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10:12). He is in heaven today.”. We can accomplish more together than we can alone. They differ in their phys­ical and mental abilities. A lesser–known fable, that of the olive tree and fig tree, warns against boasting due to the possibility of reversals of fortune: the olive tree taunts the fig tree for having lost all her leaves in the winter. It supported and sympathized with the part of me that was hurting. In awe that You can live in me. 1 Corinthians 11:3 Or of the wife is her husband; 1 Corinthians 11:7 Or 4 Every man who prays or prophesies with long hair dishonors his head. In a day when immorality continues to devour people, let’s do all we can to promote the joys and privileges of love that is honoring to God—the love that is shared in marriage. The apostle Paul said that all believers in Christ are part of “one body” (1 Cor. Now is the time to evaluate your goals in life, for one day the Lord will reward the wise choices you’ve made. When you buy a house, you may not get the total package. AMEN. The bodies we now possess are prone to aging, physical decline, and ultimately death. There was a spring in her step. What would you rather have people see: the masterpiece of the presence of Jesus or the shadow of your own profile? In that sense, December 1999 is no different than any other month in any other year. Faith will become sight and our hope will be realized when we see our Savior face to face. They teach us of the treachery of sin, our desperate need to trust God unflinchingly, and the importance of staying faithful and true to Him regardless of what happens. 22:36-40). Paul said in Romans 8 that “we are children of God … and joint heirs with Christ” (vv.16-17). I need Thee every hour, stay Thou near by; Temptations lose their pow’r when Thou art nigh. For example, they would say this prayer when they woke up in the morning: “Thanks to Thee, O God, that I have risen today to the rising of this life itself.”. Dear Father, thank You for all the good gifts You so graciously give. It is lamentable indeed, knowing that God has set mankind in such a race where heaven or hell is their certain end, that they should sit down and loiter, or run after the childish toys of the world, forgetting the prize they should run for. As the admiral waited, he became annoyed by the statues of the saints that adorned the towers of a nearby cathedral, so he commanded his men to shoot at them with the ships’ cannons. —1 Corinthians 10:13. In the same way, we are to follow Jesus’ example so closely that we can say with confidence to our brothers and sisters, “Copy me as I copy Christ.”, Show me the way, Lord, let my light shine, Shining in beauty, lived out in me. The reason was simple: He lacked the right tools. Paul himself did not use this privilege in Corinth, but that was because of the Corinthians' attitude problems, not because he didn't deserve the support. First Corinthians 10 describes a spiritual disaster we can avoid. Christians never say goodbye to each other for the last time. The pursuit of knowledge is praiseworthy, yet learning can quickly lead to pride and a refusal to acknowledge any limits on our mental abilities. KFC’s “finger–lickin’ good” slogan was translated as “eat your fingers off.” And the original attempt to translate Coca–Cola into Chinese was rendered, “Bite the wax tadpole.”. And since He uses weak and foolish things (1 Cor. This passage of 1 Corinthians 15 tells us it’s perfectly appropriate to be angry about death. Please help us to spend more time in Your Word absorbing Your thoughts so that we can think, talk, and live more and more like You. Death to those who believe in Christ is now only a Home-going; the falling asleep to open the eyes in the City of God; the loosening of the anchor, to float down stream in the full tide. —Sper. Suppose the victims were not criminals, foreign agitators, or political radicals, but ordinary citizens who were protesting the way their country was being run. A teenage boy is on drugs today because he wanted to be accepted by a group of his peers he considered “cool.” Another young man admitted that he exaggerates about his relationship with girls because he thinks it makes him appear macho to the men with whom he works. We ran the 5K course in the rain and mud on a cold November day. Let’s make sure we let Him use the total package for His glory. In the Corinthian church, the “appearance problem” was especially serious. What do teenagers mean when they say they’re “chillaxin”? Think of the coldness, the unending darkness, the inescapable fingers of death that would gradually move across the earth. —2 Corinthians 1:22. The Bible says that the gospel “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Rom. Read: 1 Corinthians 13 | Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 16-17; James 3, [Love] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil. First Corinthians 13 describes Christian love in terms of its tangible expression: “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil” (vv.4-5). —1 Timothy 4:8, Ukrainian gymnast Larisa Latynina held the record of 18 Olympic medals. In like manner, the coming forth of Jesus the Christ, in His resurrection, after His atonement for our sins on the cross, shows that His offering was accepted. That day the selection was from 1 Corinthians 15. Finally, after 78 days, Manry approached Falmouth, England. They have the misconception that any appearance of weakness hinders their testimony. And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree; We impede Christ's work when we refuse to do our part. Just in the nick of time, some turkeys were imported to take the dodo's place and perpetuate the thirteen dying calvaria trees that remained. He had come to perform His day's work. Let’s be open to the helping hand He provides. He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me” (1 Corinthians 11:24). 8–9). The Corinthians have some fundamental misconceptions about spiritual gifts, which Paul must address. Read: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 | Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 25-27; John 9:1-23, A Sunday school teacher pointed to a large plant in the room and asked her young pupils, “Who made those beautiful flowers grow?” A boy quickly answered, “God did!” The teacher was pleased by the response, but before she had a chance to comment, another boy shouted, “But fertilizer sure helps!”. I object to it … I’m terribly curious. Air safety experts want to learn from past mistakes, among other things, so they won’t be repeated. He quipped, “I feel a little tired, but I’ll probably eat something a bit later.”. It stands outside a church in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, and is made of raw, unpolished steel. A local newspaper carried the story and picture of a mallard duck that had eluded rescuers who wanted to remove the foreign object. The disciples anticipated a special meal when they made preparations for the Passover meal described in today's passage. This “pollution for profit” scandal is nothing compared to the one described in John 2:13-22. Our faith in Jesus Christ ought to make a difference in the way we live—and in the way we die. —Psalm 119:37. Aren’t you thankful that you never have to fly solo? Don’t ignore the old stories. I don’t like to fish. He shows that death is the penalty of sin, and it is by the demands of the law that sin is stirred to activity. After all, when human ties are broken, it does hurt and tears are bound to be shed. We recognize that God alone is the one who makes things grow—both in nature and in the church. Even for spectators on shore, the salute triggers an incredible emotional connection, but especially between the servants of today and the servants of yesterday. At the 1908 Olympic Games in London, Italian runner Dornado Pietri collapsed in exhaustion just a few yards from victory in the marathon. Dr. Paul Brand, a medical missionary in India, observed an unusual phenomenon with several of his patients. His secret is his large bulging eyes. A preacher who was growing weary in the ministry had a dream. Those who comfort players with “It’s not whether you win or lose that counts; it’s how you play the game” seldom make world news. In this verse, he concluded his discussion from chapter 10 about the Corinthians loving others enough to limit their freedom. What an expression—”the sting of death”! Our Constitution offers a Bill of Rights, guaranteeing freedom of speech, religion, and the press. The coach tells the athlete what to do, but the athlete has to get out there and do it. He became hateful toward people and toward God, abused alcohol and drugs, and even considered suicide. As the exchange drew to a close, the older man commented on the other’s apparent disinterest. —1 Corinthians 9:27. All rights reserved), What Christ will say on judgment day A place to begin when broken fellowship seems irreparable is the unfailing grace of God: He never gives up on us. —1 Corinthians 13:11. The Spirit within us guarantees that we’re never alone. It is, how you play the game.”, When the losing players broke down in tears, the winning team members stopped their victory celebration to console them. It might have been that the Corinthian men were continuing in the accepted cultural practice of visiting prostitutes. 20:17; Col. 3:5). At the sound of the bee's buzz a wave of distress came over her and she began to sob and call out for help. By:  Dennis Fisher (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. 1:11, 3:3). Though Paul still called it man's "last enemy," he assured us that we shall be victorious over it. The Lord’s Supper in the times of the early Christians was celebrated as a communal meal. The Scriptures teach that by God’s design all who are in Christ have been made dependent on one another. And Moses had seen God work mighty miracles in the past. Listening is not the job of a talented few but the privilege and responsibility of us all. When thanking God for food, perhaps we also need to ask Him to show us how to eat and drink in a way that glorifies Him. Instead of music, they were making noise. Read: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 | Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 22-23; John 4:31-54, We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages. —1 Corinthians 1:26. All believers are tempted to sin. Throughout the whole wide earth. Knowing that too much strain can cause severe damage or complete collapse, engineers determine the exact amount of stress that various materials can safely endure. Blisters form around the mouth, and the feet become extremely painful. When she arrived she was relieved to see in the parking lot a modest number of runners preparing to compete. What we have in this passage are solemn words of instruction. He received a greater injury walking down the street than he sustained in going over Niagara. One day an assistant of the famous chemist Michael Faraday accidentally knocked a little silver cup into a beaker of very strong acid. We can improve the appreciation level in the body of believers by taking note of the contribution others make. A small South American fish called "four eyes" knows how to make the best of two worlds. His nickname around his church is “the Bible guy.”. 12:2). Some believers, however, feel inferior because they don’t have as much talent as others. God has chosen to bless others uniquely through you, and you can do what no one else can do. You’re not exempt. O Hades, where is your victory? Love finds no pleasure in injustice, but rejoices in the truth. In each case, the design, the successive stages of advancing progress, the engagement of the workers, the direction of their labours and their reward is entirely with the Husband-man and the Master-Builder. The Passover Seder is a ritual meal commemorating the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. He was behind his desk, signing some documents. It expects God to shield us from all difficulties and to make life comfortable for us. When a US Navy vessel arrives or departs from the military bases in Pearl Harbor, the crew of that ship lines up in dress uniform. It is not meant for the conversion of sinners, but for the edification of disciples. We are not told to try to outsmart the enemy of our souls, but to trust the One who can. Jesus' claim that He would not drink the fruit of the vine again until the disciples were in the Father's king- dom (v. 29) troubled and perplexed the disciples. What was rare in the case of that great English statesman is in a much deeper sense a wonderful reality for every believer in Christ. It’s not about the food, although it helps if it has been cooked with love. Two simple guidelines for a marriage that pleases God: Admit wrong and keep quiet about being right. IN THIS marvellous chapter, Isaiah sings a Song of Hope, as he sees the return of the Hebrew people from captivity, and the overthrow of their foes. Jesus removes our sin and rewards our service. Have you ever had somebody drop by and try to convince you that sexual sin is a joking matter and that violence is entertaining? Lord, help us to overcome our stubborn pride. As Christ's love grows in us, His love flows through us. He understood that when his grandpa had said, “Just watch,” he meant, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life, For the first time, I remember telling Him, ‘Whatever You want me to do with my life, Lord, I’ll do it.’”. He died there to provide forgiveness (Colossians 2:13-14), not to create an icon. —DJD. He is King of our lives. Ann and her family drove up to the booth to pay the toll, but the attendant said, “You don’t need to pay. —Burton. Crosses decorate church steeples and designate burial places. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Perhaps that’s why Paul used the foot to remind us that there are no unimportant parts in the body of Christ. He said that when they were invited to a nonbeliever’s home for dinner, they were free to eat what was set before them (v.27). The crowd murderously chanted, “Death to the godless! Notice his address to the scholars and philosophers of Athens in Acts 17! God, give me the faith of a little child, And never would question Thee. Most of us will not face a “deny Christ or die” ultimatum. Love can lead to loss. As I did so, however, I was arrested with the thought: that which I'm disposing of repre­sents an entire month of my life. Thank You, Lord, for the guidance of Your Word. This was hardly the answer the teacher expected, but the youngster was right. When it came time for Moses to strike the rock in the desert to get water for the thirsty Israelites, his part was very small-just strike the rock. They deny the unity and sacredness of God’s church. But it was Hannah More, a lesser known member, who wrote this on the subject of notable Christian service: “We are apt to mistake our vocation by looking out of the way for occasions to exercise rare and great virtues, and by stepping over the ordinary ones that lie directly in the road before us.”. The viper has been deprived of its fangs! De Haan. That young woman’s outlook was brighter and her relationships with others were transformed. She does not behave unbecomingly, nor seek to aggrandize herself, nor blaze out in passionate anger, nor brood over wrongs. Then we begin to see the possibility of doing it for Jesus' sake. A ruler once came to Jesus by night It was a terrible struggle because he gave in so easily to the temptation to buy goodies from the ice cream vendor who came through the neighborhood in a brightly colored van. —1 Corinthians 9:22. Recently when I was tempted to sink into a mood of futility, I read something by Frederick Buechner that lifted my heart. Help me not to compare myself with others. His glory is seen in His truth, justice, wisdom, and power. According to the National & Interna­tional Religion Report, before the majority of American marriages take place, the man and woman have lived together. He recruited tax collectors, Jewish revolutionaries, fishermen, and others to be His followers. If love errs, it must err in the way of trustfulness and hopefulness. Fenelon replied, "I had published that you would not come to church today in order that Your Majesty might see who serves God in truth and who flatters the king.". We aren’t told the reasons for these factions. Jesus was tempted also, just as we are, so He understands what we’re feeling (Mark 1:13). This year, Toyota executives have been called before congressional panels to answer questions regarding the safety of their vehicles. The psalmist, who knew as much about TV as most of us know about tending sheep, said, “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things” (Ps. —1 Corinthians 12:24. Even though none of us is what we want to be, each of us is becoming what God wants us to be.—Paul R VanGorder. Choose Book of Bible to StudyGenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SolomonIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, Our Daily Bread Devotionals Copyright by RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Yet, en masse they create a force to be reckoned with. His first composition was played flawlessly, and the audience was thrilled at the performance. When the apostle Paul wrote to the believers at Corinth, he asked them to give their lives a thorough cleansing—not for good luck but to please God. After refusing help, he began to show signs of tetanus. When sorrows assail us or terrors draw nigh. One great thinker was Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome from AD 161 to 180. Later Churchill said, “Rarely has one man owed his life twice to the same person.”. But if God were to ask you this question, how would you respond? We will finally be able to fellowship fully with the Father and the Son. 1:22-23). Like that shepherd, we can say "I am nothing but what the grace of the King has made me." We can't let spiritual aphasia silence our witness.—Paul R VanGorder. Simple faith in Jesus Christ can do for us what great learning cannot. By yielding to the Holy Spirit, we can have such a strong assurance of doing the Father’s will that we’ll be able to engage in every endeavor with zest and enthusiasm. Paul took a similar approach to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who do not die will be instantly changed, and will exclaim, “O death, where is thy sting?” Those who rise from the tomb in resurrection bodies will shout, :”O grave, where is thy victory?” What a marvelous picture of triumph! Remember, your heavenly Father knows the limits of your ability to stand up under life’s pressures. This church’s sign read, “WDJD—What Did Jesus Do?” That is indeed the more important question, because our salvation depends on it. The moral standards to which we are held are different than the moral standards of the prevailing culture. After listening to so many people's problems and trying to help, they get to where they can't take it anymore. After several months, Lord Franklin died. Somehow it got buried in an avalanche of paperwork and was never mailed—and the thank-you was forgotten. It's obvious to Paul that this is the way things should be in the church (1 Cor. To acknowledge that we become anxious about dying, about getting cancer, about losing our mind, or about our children getting in trouble is being honest about our feelings. More than 100 years later, the Mel Trotter Mission still welcomes people who need a place to stay and who need Jesus. Let's do it with all of our might. His self-acceptance was based on God’s acceptance of him in Christ. Such a love may be painful for us. We are all given different gifts to be used at different times and in different ways. “We will be your church family while you are here,” they assured him. Now our entire family is converted!’” Joey was one of God’s faithful servants. 5:14). Our Captain is depending on you! He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." Love will be the final criterion for our spiritual lives. No element in the Easter story is more troubling to unbelievers than the report that the followers of Jesus found the tomb empty that Sunday morning. Jesus is King of our lives, so we must serve Him all of our lives. Even though Lindbergh’s solo flight was dangerous, living in this fallen world of ours can be far more so. The ark was situated inside the Most Holy Place, where once a year the high priest would stand in the very presence of God. The Son of God died and rose again, and His resurrection is the guarantee that God will bring us up and out of the ground: A thinking, feeling, remembering, recognizable person will live forever. Divisions have grown up in the church, and the community is fractured and broken. But the two worked together: Moses before the people; God in the hidden depths of the earth. Read: 1 Thessalonians 1 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 140-142; 1 Corinthians 14:1-20. It broke into a thousand pieces. Christians have to deal with the problem of distortion as well. —D. AMEN. And in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church, we see many examples of selfish behavior (1:10; 3:3; 5:1; 6:6-8; 11:21). I pray that I may be able to lead her to Christ. To the church in Corinth he wrote, “You are God’s building” (1 Cor. Many foods are like that—incomplete without a key ingredient. Unable to break free, everyone faces certain death—physically and eternally. 9. Many passages in Scripture allude to this concept. Once I became a dad, my perspective on my parents’ wisdom changed. Help me to understand how You have gifted me to encourage other believers, and to spread the message of Your love to the world. For an Ohio man, it paid off in the discovery of a more than 100-year-old set of mint-condition baseball cards. Their heads hurt when they were tired and hungry. He called out to a laborer perched high on a scaffold, “What are you doing up there?” With pride that man called back, “I’m helping Sir Christopher Wren build a cathedral!”. “How about if I keep everything clean in and around the church?” Another “No.” “If I love my family, am kind to animals, and give candy to every child I meet, will that get me to heaven?” Another unanimous “No!” Then he asked, “What will get me into heaven?” A little boy shouted, “You have to be dead!”. Even when success seems remote or impossible, we are to remain steadfast, assured that there will be an ample reward for those who persevere. —Loucks. Read: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 | Bible in a Year: Numbers 4-6; Mark 4:1-20. It’s accepting our unchangeable circumstances. Neither I nor my school friends knew what it meant. Amazing what can often become just routine were free to do his.... Are unable to resist the devil ( Eph fruit is like a flame of a picture of chosen! 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